
LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Lately, I've been doing a LOT of thinking.  No matter what scenario I run in my mind, the answer always ends as a question mark and I can't make a decision.  Do I look past the flaws of one option and try to be happy?  Or do I try to find happiness elsewhere?  

I just can't figure it out.  Do I want my son in morning preschool?  Or afternoon?

Okay, okay, that's my lame attempt at humor.  But this is stressing me out.

Remember I was hoping to win the lottery?  The free-public-preschool-lottery?  

We lost.  Sniff sniff.  Pennsylvania had to cut school funding to balance the budget so there were even less slots available than in previous years.  

After finding out (back in May, I think), my husband and I decided that we would just take our son to Parent's Morning Out (a program at our church).

It's affordable.  It's nearby.  Both of our children are old enough to attend.  There's no commitment and you can drop them off any day of the week without planning in advance.  

But there's less structure.  

At the last minute (2 days ago) I suddenly realized I want him in a "real" preschool.

So I scrambled.  There are two church preschools with a couple slots left.  

One school that's super close (1 mile away) has an afternoon slot available from 12:15 to 3:00.

Another school, about 2 miles away, has a morning slot (9-12).

What to do?

The advantage of the afternoon slot is that the school is closer.  And in the winter, when there are 2 hour delays for snow days, the afternoon class will still be open.  Morning classes are just plain canceled with no refund. 

The advantage of the morning slot is that it's just a better time of day (for a 3 year old).


I know that 1 mile vs 2 miles doesn't sound like much but I live in a very urban neighborhood that has a LOT of traffic in the morning and several stop lights.  So 2 miles could theoretically take 15 minutes in the morning.  Right now my son is attending a camp about 3.5 miles away and it takes me 20 minutes each way.

So I'm conflicted.  Right now my son takes naps in the afternoon (generally 3-4pm).  Occasionally 2-3pm.  Sometimes not at all.  

Honestly, I'd prefer the afternoon slot but I wonder if I'm being selfish.


  1. I DO NOT mess with nap time. For anyone or anything. I would vote for the morning b/c then you get the break from 9 -12 PLUS nap time break. I don't think this is even a dilemma!

  2. I think you'll be fine either way. I know, i'm no help whatsoever. And i don't have kids so I can't tell you if it'll effect him more to screw up his nap time or make him better.

    It's a good dilemma, but i would rather travel less, and know that if there's snow, he'll still, most likely, have class. Going with the afternoon, of course.

  3. Sounds like afternoon to me too.

  4. Yep, I'm with the afternoon crowd!

  5. Afternoon seems like the more practical option.

  6. I am for the afternoon too..I think.

  7. If you son still does the afternoon nap, I'd do the mornings. That way you're not messing with his sleep schedule. But then again, the sleep schedule thing is VERY important to me.

  8. I absolutely agree with your Lactose comment! I think on a normal day, when I mix skim milk with a protein shake I have issues so I am sure it played a part in the ice cream crisis! My poor niece, litterally, we parked, got ice cream and left! How about those fireworks, huh?

    I was given the green light to walk immediately and start back with cardio after 2 weeks. He told me to go easy on weight resistance until the 4 week mark which I am at now.

    I am so excited for you....I wish I had gotten the sleeve to begin with, I would have been at goal so much sooner!

  9. At 2 weeks 1 day, I started back at my cardio classes. The first day I only made it thru 30 minutes, not the whole hour. I just kept going and doing what I could and taking breaks when I needed them.

    I love Eggfaces' (Shelly's) blog. I make protein ice cream at least once a week with Soy Vanilla Light. Love it. I don't like the Soy Vanilla by itself though, too sweet for me but I HATE regular soy.

    The not being hungry part is the best part for me. However, just because I am not hungry, unfortunately, doesn't stop me from putting something in my mouth....hence, the chocolate chip cookie!

    I saw 152.4 on my scale this morning which puts me at 60.4 lbs lost total. I havent announced it yet on my blog because I want to see it again!
